Collecting badges

Collecting badges

You must have an accreditation badge to enter the Forum venue. An accreditation badge is a pass to the EAWF 2024 venue.

The badge contains information about its holder: last name and first name in English, organization, participation category, photo, and the event insignia.

A valid PCR test for COVID-19 is required for all Forum participants, media representatives, and staff who wish to enter Tavrichesky Palace on 18 September.

A PCR test is not needed:

  • to access the Universe of Water museum complex on 18 September
  • to visit all event sites on 19-20 September

Detailed information about PCR testing is published in the PCR testing section.

  • The badge is personalized and may not be transferred to third parties.
  • You must carry your badge and identity document (passport) with you at all times when at the Forum venue. The badge must be worn in a visible place.
  • If your badge is lost or damaged, you should contact any accreditation desk or Help Desk. A lost badge will be blocked and a duplicate will then be issued based on a written application from the badge holder.

What do I need to do to pick up my badge?

In order to get your badge prepared for issuance, the information in the Roscongress personal account must completely match the data in your passport.
Data processing takes from 3 days.

In the personal web office you should:


Confirm participation in the Forum


Enter your personal information in full in accordance with your passport


Upload a required photo for your badge

Photo requirements:

  • Colour photo against a light background
  • Photo size – 480 × 640 pixels
  • Photo format – JPG or JPEG
  • Full-face photo with no headgear
  • Your face must take up at least 70% of the photo

Tab ‘Personal information – Photo – Edit’.


Upload a scanned copy of your passport (pages 2 and 3)

Tab ‘Personal information – Personal details – Edit’.

Please make sure that the scanned copy is legible and contains complete information about the data you gave when registering, including the series and number of the document, the issue date, the issuing authority, and a photo.

Formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, PNG.

If changes have been made to your identity document (passport) after you completed the application to participate in the Forum, the data in your personal web office must be edited.

To make changes to any fields that are blocked for editing, please contact the specialist that you spoke with when registering for the Forum.

How to find out if my badge is ready?

There are several ways to find out or be notified when a participant badge is ready

An email notification
A notification in the participant’s
personal web office
A call to the Forum information centre by number
+7 (812) 640 5904
A call to a Roscongress Foundation specialist whose contacts are listed in the personal web office

How do I pick up my badge?

When issuing the badge, the accreditation operator checks the data specified in the application to ensure it matches the information in your identity document. If the data does not match, the badge cannot be issued on the day you applied for it.

Participant accreditation badges may be collected in person by presenting:

The identity document
that is listed in the
personal web office

Original of personal data consent form

You must print, fill out, sign a personal data consent form before visiting the accreditation point and bring it with you.

Original of personal data consent form for the processing of your personal data

How do I pick up a badge for another participant / group of participants?

When issuing the badge, the accreditation operator checks the data specified in the application to ensure it matches the information in your identity document. If the data does not match, the badge cannot be issued on the day you applied for it.

To pick up a badge for another participant by proxy, the authorized individual must present:

Authorized person’s passport

List of participants

(attached to the power of attorney)

Copies of participants’ passports

The power of attorney is invalid without a list, copies of passports, and the original consent forms for the processing of personal data for all accredited participants. Copies of passports will be returned after badges are issued.

Originals of personal data consent forms

You must print, fill out, sign a personal data consent form before visiting
the accreditation point and bring it with you.

Consent form for the processing of your personal data

PCR test to activate your badge on 18 September

A valid PCR test for COVID-19 is required for all Forum participants, media representatives, and staff who wish to enter Tavrichesky Palace on 18 September.

PCR testing is carried out upon presentation of an accreditation badge or ID. The ID is the participant’s identification number in the personal web office.

Detailed information about PCR testing is published in the PCR testing section.

A PCR test is not needed:

  • to access the Universe of Water museum complex on 18 September
  • to visit all event sites on 19–20 September

Where to collect your badge?

We kindly ask that you collect your accreditation badge in advance at one of the accreditation points in St. Petersburg.

Point Address Date Time
Accreditation Сentre
47, Shpalernaya Street
15 September 12:00–21:00
16–17 September 10:00–21:00
18–19 September 07:30–20:00
20 September 07:30–16:00


For additional information, participants can contact the EAWF 2024 information centre:

Тел.: +7 (812) 640 5904