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23.09.2024 / News
At the meeting of the III Assembly of the World Federation of Russian-Speaking Women, formats of work in modern conditions were discussed
The meeting took place on the sidelines of the Eurasian Women's Forum as part of the implementation of the EWF Council's project "Russian Compatriots Abroad". Many of its participants came to the meeting in national costumes of the countries where they were staying.
Opening the Assembly, the coordinator of the EWF Council project “Russian Compatriots Abroad”, member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs and Chair of the All-Russian Women’s Federation, Elena Afanasyeva, stated:
"Our goal is stability in the world. Women make a lot of efforts to establish constructive dialogue, to find common ground for interaction. Together we can change the world for the better."
Gennady Ovechko, Director of the Department for Work with Compatriots Abroad of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, thanked those present for the fact that, living far from their homeland, they remain concerned about its fate and future.
"Your participation in humanitarian actions to support compatriots proves that we are united. And that means you are together with Russia," he said. He called the Federation a unique instrument of mutual support and noted that as a result of the work, a number of women's organizations were created at the country and regional levels, and the format of the Eurasian Meetings of Compatriots has proven itself well.
The Secretary General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development, former Vice President of Costa Rica Rebecca Greenspan addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. She noted that the main theme of the Forum - "Women for Strengthening Trust and Global Cooperation" is especially relevant in our time.
“Today, we live in a world characterized not only by a trust deficit, but also by a hope deficit. Economic stratification, inequality, geopolitical crisis and worsening climate change create a sense of fragmentation and uncertainty. The challenges women face across countries and continents are strikingly similar,” said Ms. Greenspan. She called the Eurasian Women’s Forum “an opportunity to tap into collective wisdom, to amplify the voices of women who are making a difference.”
At the Assembly, there was much talk about new formats of public diplomacy that have emerged as a result of sanctions.
Thus, the President of the World Alliance of Russian-Speaking Women (Italy) Tatyana Chuvileva said that this year, together with the European women's community, three forums were held that helped restore the shaken trust in Russian public organizations. Three key problems that they are working on: protecting the rights of women and children, the problem of female poverty, an attempt to counteract all types of violence, especially in social networks.
Irina Kudrina from Romania said that after the closure of the Russian House in Bucharest on July 1, 2023, the Russian school at the Russian Embassy, new formats of work with compatriots were quickly found. Cultural exchange is now carried out through the regions of Russia, events dedicated to significant holidays and memorable days in Russia are covered. The work continues.
Darya Matsuk, head of the international movement "Volunteers of Victory", Egypt, shared her experience of cooperation with Russian universities in the study of the Russian language by residents of the country.
Galina Ketova, President of the public foundation "GALA", Republic of Kyrgyzstan, spoke about the holding of the "Days of United Actions" events in the country.
Foreign guests of the Assembly spoke about the work of women in their countries. Thus, Arelis Santana Bello, Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Youth, Children and Equal Rights of Women of the National Assembly of People's Power and the State Council of the Republic of Cuba, presented statistics on women's representation in government bodies. In the country's parliament, the share of women is 55%, in the State Council - 46%. In state and government organizations, women occupy 52% of leadership positions, in addition, in the government - 7 women ministers, the Prosecutor General and the Chief Auditor are women, the share of women among judges is 80%.
Diana Pilia, Chairperson of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Abkhazia, noted that her colleagues – the heads of the Supreme and Arbitration Courts – are also women.
"Recently, we have felt an increasingly strong need for reliable and strong unions - both within the state and at the interstate level," Pilia noted. In response, Senator Elena Afanasyeva proposed creating a joint public organization with Abkhaz women.
The World Federation of Russian-Speaking Women was created in November 2022 to implement the decisions of the III Eurasian Women's Forum. Today, it unites Russian-speaking communities of women from 53 countries.